1638 1891 1871 1742 1485 1256 1149 1084 1255 1948 1240 1344 1638 1316 1853 1455 1883 1938 1821 1421 1739 1278 1940 1621 1789 1910 1689 1138 1335 1192 1367 1678 1992 1001 1295 1117 1100 1923 1758 1234 1110 1577 1399 1126 1169 1922 1965 1786 1214 1769 1210 1544 1281 1350 1009 1586 1730 1919 1877 1863 1363 1583 1383 1285 1155 1107 1939 1676 1117 1258 1611 1246 1005 1469 1210 1930 1115 1903 1880 1096 1240 1400 1855 1399 1102 1099 1502 1053 1511 1391 1855 1296 1832 1469 1386 1747 1768 1806 1223 mysqli: Table './ulib6new/stat_visithp_type_log' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
insert into stat_visithp_type_log set 
		dat='4' ,
		 mon='12' ,
		  yea='2024' ,
			 head='browsesubject' ,
				 lastdt='1733249173' ,


Change to English

ลำดับที่Subject จำนวนทรัพยากร
181 Arts Collected works 1
182 Arts History 1
183 Ascites 1
184 ASEAN 3
185 ASEAN countries 1
186 Asphyxia 1
187 Asphyxia in infancy & childhood 1
188 Assessment 1
189 Asthma 1
190 Asthma Great Britain 1
191 Atherosclerosis 2
192 Atherosclerosis Etiology. 1
193 Attention deficit disorder with Hyperactivity 5
194 Attitude to Health. 1
195 Audiences 1
196 Auditors reports 1
197 Authorship 1
198 Autistic Disorder 1
199 Autnorware 1
200 Autobiographies 2
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [554]   [แสดง 20/11078 รายการ]

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