1220 1709 1716 1157 1730 1771 1794 1418 1456 1881 1113 1163 1423 1460 1653 1397 1498 1763 1911 1277 1939 1873 1102 1125 1556 1734 1118 1502 1077 1199 1059 1604 1702 1771 1287 1253 1095 1958 1418 1756 1090 1643 1387 1750 1106 1195 1545 1723 1166 1860 1542 1679 1238 1835 1721 1630 1080 1019 1418 1932 1717 1691 1926 1509 1908 1546 1480 1086 1862 1375 1511 1393 1278 1058 1181 1221 1116 1159 1325 1134 1036 1682 1905 1235 1688 1348 1615 1790 1154 1590 1839 1233 1724 1998 1060 1282 1813 1613 1732 mysqli: Table './ulib6new/stat_visithp_type_log' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
insert into stat_visithp_type_log set 
		dat='21' ,
		 mon='11' ,
		  yea='2024' ,
			 head='browsereservmat' ,
				 lastdt='1732175269' ,


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